iMold Gypsum Modeling Machine

У нас вы можете купить гипсомодельный станок для обточки гипсовых форм с удобной и плавной регулировкой скорости вращения.

Disc diameter: 350mm
Rotational speed: 0-600 rpm
Disk type:For pouring a block (Removable with cones - an additional option)
Control: Hand control/Pedal
Power: 2.2 kW - 220V/3kW - 380V
Maximum product weight: 100kg
Machine weight: 80kg
Dimensions: 1200x600x900mm
Stop presence:No/Yes (optional)
Protective screens:No/Yes (optional)
Minimum equipment
Maximum equipment
97 000 ₽
135000 ₽
Gypsum model machine for turning plaster molds with convenient and smooth adjustment of the rotation speed.
Warranty 1 year. The product is certified.
Delivery across Moscow, the Moscow region, Russia and to the CIS countries.
Pottery wheel iMold Basic

У нас вы можете недорого купить электрический гончарный круг нового поколения, подходящий для любителей, детей, начинающих и опытных гончаров.

Disc diameter: 210mm/260mm
Rotational speed: 0-250 rpm (continuously adjustable)
Direction of rotation:Counter-clockwise
Management: Pedal
Power: 300W 220V
Maximum product weight: 20kg
Dimensions: 580x310x590mm
Weight: 32kg
Equipment:Potter's wheel, 2 quick-release discs with a diameter of 210 mm, pedal, instructions.
49 000 ₽
The all-metal, electric iMold Basic potter's wheel is perfect for beginners and hobbyists. This is a great compact potter's wheel for kids, it's just impossible to break even if you have very active kids. The compact dimensions of the circle are convenient when working at home or in small pottery studios. With our magnetic removable disks, you can quickly remove the product from the circle without fear of damaging it. The circle is well suited for making small vases, pots and other ceramic products, it is easy to clean from clay.
The iMold Basic potter's wheel has smooth rotation speed control, relatively light weight (32 kg) and low noise, which is ideal for beginners and master classes. In the opinion of professional potters, our wheels are in many respects not inferior to foreign counterparts (which cost twice as much), they are the best value for money in this market.
Pottery wheel iMold Compact

У нас вы можете купить компактный, настольный и относительно легкий электрический гончарный круг нового поколения с педалью и реверсом (прямой привод).

Disc diameter: 260mm/310mm
Rotational speed: 0-250 rpm (continuously adjustable)
Direction of rotation: Reverse
Control: pedal
Power: 750W 220V
Maximum product weight: 30kg
Dimensions: 510x460x230mm
Weight: 19kg
Equipment:Potter's wheel, 2 quick-release discs with a diameter of 260 mm, pedal, instructions.
68 000 ₽
The iMold Compact potter's wheel is well suited for people who are often on the road, on trips or traveling. Now you can take a compact but powerful potter's wheel with you to an on-site master class. It is much lighter than its "older" counterparts and has a handle for easy transportation. Full metal case allows you not to think about the safety of the potter's wheel during transportation. The circle is protected from moisture when working on it. When removing the bowl, the circle fits into an ordinary suitcase. The powerful motor is equipped with a reverse function, the same as in the professional version, allows you to not limit yourself in the amount of clay and has a smooth pedal control.
Pottery wheel iMold Professional v3

У нас вы можете купить профессиональный электрический гончарный круг нового поколения с педалью и реверсом (прямой привод).

Disc diameter: 260mm/310mm
Rotational speed: 0-250 rpm (continuously adjustable)
Direction of rotation: Reverse
Control: pedal
Power: 750W 220V
Maximum product weight: 80kg
Dimensions: 800x700x400mm
Weight: 42kg
Equipment:Potter's wheel, removable legs, 2 quick-release discs with a diameter of 260 mm, pedal, instructions.
89 000 ₽
The iMold Professional v3 potter's wheel is suitable for both experienced craftsmen and beginner ceramists. Direct drive provides quiet and powerful performance suitable for both studio and home use. A convenient removable bowl allows you to quickly wash the circle. With our magnetic removable disks, you can quickly remove the product from the circle without fear of damaging it. The large weight and wide body of the potter's wheel make it possible to use it for hand-crafting large items - vases, pots, dishes and other large ceramic products.
Pottery wheel iMold Professional v3 Plus

У нас вы можете приобрести iMold Professional v3. Данный круг комплектуется ротором собственного изготовления с неодимовыми магнитами. За счёт этого крутящий момент круга увеличен почти в 2 раза при той же электрической мощности.

Disc diameter: 260mm/310mm
Rotational speed: 0-250 rpm (continuously adjustable)
Direction of rotation: Reverse
Control: pedal
Power: 750W 220V
Maximum product weight: 80kg
Dimensions: 800x700x400mm
Weight: 45kg
Equipment:Potter's wheel, removable legs, 2 quick-release discs with a diameter of 310 mm, pedal, instructions.
119 000 ₽
The iMold Professional v3 Plus potter's wheel is the most suitable for experienced ceramists, pottery professionals. The direct drive provides a quiet and powerful machine, suitable for both studio and home use. A convenient removable bowl allows you to quickly wash the circle. With our magnetic removable disks, you can quickly remove the product from the circle without fear of damaging it. The large weight and wide body of the potter's wheel make it possible to use it for hand-crafting large items - vases, pots, dishes and other large ceramic products.